The Power Tools

Smash through power blocks to manage the realities of leadership

Group sessions <12 / In Person / 5 sessions / 3 hours per session


What is ‘The Power Tools’ programme?

‘The Power Tools’ is a programme specifically designed for female leaders who want to improve their communication, regardless of the language or context they find themselves in.

This programme is divided into five interactive masterclasses, addressing the five most common challenges for women: public speaking, hearing and saying ‘no’, asking for what you want, dealing with resistance and interrupting.

How is the ‘The Power Tools’ programme structured?

The Power Tools’ is broken up into five masterclasses that address five essential aspects of communication for female leaders. As you progress you will be given opportunities to:

  • Reflect and contextualise: Delve into the content through practical exercises that make you reflect and better understand why these issues are problematic for women.
  • Develop awareness: Improve how you communicate by controlling attention and being more present in the conversation through mindfulness practices.
  • Acquire practical skills: Learn tangible techniques to enhance your communication ability.
  • Review proven presentation techniques: Analyse and use methods that work to deliver effective presentations from a more stable foundation.
  • Utilize powerful visualisation techniques: Use visualisation as a tool for more impactful communication.
  • Explore non-performative practices: Discover authentic ways to express your innate power. These are methods where you don’t need to act but be yourself.

Why should I consider this programme?

‘The Power Tools’ stands out for its comprehensive approach. This programme addresses the five most common issues faced by women leaders and equips you with the tools to face the realities of your day-to-day activities with more confidence and skill. Its duration allows for deep development and its integration with other programmes offers continuous support and ongoing evolution.

How does this programme benefit my personal and professional development?

Throughout this programme, you’ll acquire practical skills and techniques to improve your communication beyond language. You’ll experience increased self-confidence, better presentation skills and more effective leadership. This programme aims to transform your ability to express yourself in a more impactful and meaningful way in your professional environment.

Join us in ‘The Power Tools’ and transform your communication capabilities!